Yacht Guide


Thursday, May 22, 2008

How Smart Yacht Management Can Prevent Marine Pollution And Big EPA Fines

Environmental Concerns:

Yacht Management involves managing and protecting America's navigable waterways from oil spills and other pollutions that may flow from recreational boat activities. The US waterways are an integral part of many U.S. watersheds and must be protected from oil and other hazardous substances.

The waterways play an important role in the U.S. commercial and recreational boating industries. Minimizing water pollution begins with preventing spills in theirs place.

Some of the concerns that Yacht operations and other recreational water vehicles present to the integrity of the water system include bilge water (water that collects in the lowest part of the ship?s hull and may contain oil, grease, and other contaminants. A single pint of oil released onto the water can cover one acre of water surface area.

The Law The Federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibits the discharge of oil or oily waste into or upon the navigable waters of the United States or the waters of the contiguous zone if such discharge causes a film or sheen upon, or discoloration of, the surface of the water, or causes a sludge or emulsion beneath the surface of the water. Violators are subject to a penalty of $5,000. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibits the discharge of oil or hazardous substances that are harmful into U.S. navigable water.

In Case of an Oil Spill

Each recreational vehicle owner/operator must develop a plan that identifies the personnel, equipment and materials required to deal with a spill. The plan should include information about storage capacity, environmentally and economically sensitive areas, products that can contain the spill, personnel training if appropriate and practice drills. This requires preparedness and continuous improvement in every phase of yacht operations.

Yacht owners/operators can help mitigate the impacts of oil spills on the environment by taking quick action to contain the spilled product.

Fuel or oil in the water or on the boat can be picked up with special oil adsorbent materials. Adsorbents come in many forms including pads, sweeps, and pillows. Carry these products on your vessel.

Products that can help you prevent spills and reduce emissions include:

Oil absorbent booms are perfect for marine and industrial spill containment. These oil booms are constructed with a strong mesh outer skin encasing highly absorbent polypropylene filler. A nylon rope and steel hardware ensure long-lasting durability and easy retrieval. Repels water and won't sink even when saturated.

Oil Absorbent Sweep is designed with built in straps. The absorbent sweep can be drawn over the water surface to absorb broad sheens or surface spills. This is a great way to clean up oil spill on water.

A bilge boom can be lowered into your bilge, sump or tank to remove oil, not water. Won't sink, even when saturated. Will float indefinitely. This product can be reused. The boom comes with loops for a rope for easy deployment or fastening.

Disposal of Oil Absorbent Materials.

The disposal of used oil absorbent material depends on what type of product it is and how it was used: Standard absorbents that are saturated with gasoline may be air dried and reused. Standard absorbents saturated with oil or diesel may be wrung out over oil recycling bins

Many spills are the result of human error. Being prepared to correct the problem with prompt action and proper equipment will protect future access to our boating environment.

Travis Zdrazil is a successful businessman who has been part of a successful partnership since 1985.

With over 10 years of business experience Travis uses his business expertise to select and supply businesses with products and information to aid in EPA and OSHA Regulations in the areas of:

  • Storm water pollution
  • Pollution Prevention & Control
  • Other industrial, commercial & environmental issues.

Keep your company compliant with EPA's New Initiatives. Sign up for his free newsletter at http://www.absorbentsonline.com< or feel free to contact him if you have any questions on marine pollution through the site. You may publish this article, but must keep the resource box ?2007 PCI Products Company. All rights reserved.



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